At INTERESTINGLY DIFFERENT, we want to find opportunities to train and provide paid employment to hard working and talented people with a learning disabilities.
In order to do this, we want to create a ring-fenced pool of money which will be used solely for employment costs of those adults we work with. ‘Promise in Store’ developed ‘The Priceless Spoon’ for this very reason, and it is something we have decided to continue as we merge companies.
Each spoon is hand crafted with care, at CAMPHILL VILLAGE TRUST. They are not mass produced, which means each one is precious and valuable to us – just like people, every one counts.
Each spoon represents at least one hour of employment for our trainees. Starting at just £15, you can give as much as you can afford (there’s no maximum limit!) knowing that the money will be ring-fenced and used exclusively for employment costs. Priceless in every sense.